Hexaria Wikia
Hexaria Wikia

PecolaFromScratch PecolaFromScratch 21 November 2017

The situation of the wiki (final)

Hey, everyone, so the final version of Hexaria is in early access, and we are preparing to transform the wiki.  Pages with old content will have a banner stating so, as well as a "(Demo)" Catagory/title. And we have plans of re-doing the tabs once we get full version banners up to not confuse users. This also will lead to a re-design of the layout more akin to Hexarias new theme and logo. Anyways I hope we can wrap up pages from the demo and overall be complete with that content.

I would like to thank you again for all the edits and support that all of you have done, without you guys I would have given up on the idea, also without the help of DRAGONSLAYER2653, I wouldn't have been able to set up info boxes to form the base of this wiki. Aga…

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PecolaFromScratch PecolaFromScratch 4 January 2016

The situation of this wiki

So you may know that I have been very inactive and that the wiki hasn't made much progress at all, I wanted to express the reason for the inactivity. The biggest reason is that the new Hexaria "update" or the full version rather is coming very soon, and upon the release many cards may be changed or even the whole roster replaced. That is one of the reasons that I have stopped. It would be wasting time to make pages for cards that would be changed or not exist at all. Still this doesn’t explain me not updating the Update log, the reason is because I have been busy with school and a little uninspired/annoyed at updating the log especially as most of the updates can just be seen on their twitter. Just wanted to update people on the situation, …

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Monke flip Monke flip 22 September 2020

Edit the badges to make Hexaria related?

So you all think its a good idea to edit the badges and add hexaria cards or monsters into them and renaming instead of using the Wikia ones they gave us?

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PecolaFromScratch PecolaFromScratch 10 October 2015

Wiki Policies

Lately, I have been seeing some mistakes/errors and wanted to make clear how to make/edit pages and list some rules

-Note this is not finished, I will expand on this.

  • 1 Community rules
  • 2 Info on making articles
    • 2.1 Cards
      • 2.1.1 Naming the page
      • 2.1.2 Infoboxes

In the same spirit as the rules and guidelinesof roblox but here's the (rough) review

  • Treat other users the way you would want them to treat you! - Please don't be rude to other people, treat people with respect and kindness
  • Do not use profanity when communicating with others - Roblox and this wiki is a site for everyone, profanity can be easily avoided, and can often come off as being rude or immature
    • Do not post profanity in any form, misspellings and disguising bad language is also not permitted
  • Do…

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Pecola1 Pecola1 9 October 2015

What Class Should You Pick?

The Personality Quiz

(Here's the link to the quiz on PlayBuzz)

Leave a comment below if you think there are any changes in wording or important questions to add to the quiz!

  • 1 In Addition...
    • 1.1 Rogue
    • 1.2 Mage
    • 1.3 Pirate
    • 1.4 Ranger

The main problem with this quiz is you can only see your top result, when it may be that you were very close, or even tied, between multiple different classes. On top of that your answers may vary, and you may get different results, allowing you to see multiple classes you like. This may confuze people more than help them, and it may frustrate people since they can only see the results for the class they matched up with the best. It is for this reason that I have put the full descriptions of each below:

 Rogue specializes in …

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