Hexaria Wikia

The Meta Fuel card allows you to draw a random card from your metadeck when discarding it (right click), and it doesn't cost any bits. You don't have to use the metacard when you discard it, so it's recommended that you discard it right away to get your metacard. If you didn't use the Metacard and the battle ended, then the Metacard will be unused.

Starter Cards
Universal Cards

Attack BuffAttack DebuffClassic SwordDefense BuffDefense DebuffMedkitMeta FuelPaintball GunRetro BombRocketRocket BootsSlingshotSmall RockSuperballTNTTrowel

Rogue Cards

Crippling BlowGolden Ninja StarKnifePoison DaggerPoison SpikesPrecisionSix-pointed Ninja StarSmoke Bomb

Pirate Cards

CannonCutlassEyepatchFlintlockFool's TreasureKnifeLootRum

Mage Cards

ChargeEnergizeFireballLightning BoltMental BlockMeteorTeleportZap

Ranger Cards

Bear TrapDashEmbersHunting KnifeKnifeLongbowRanger SlingSimple BowTripwire